Free Online
Bible Study Tools |
Bible Gateway
is a tool for reading and researching scripture online
-- all in the language or
translation of your choice! It provides advanced
searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and
compare particular passages in scripture based on
keywords, phrases, or scripture reference. You can view
a complete list of available Bible versions and
translations. Bible Gateway also includes other features
like a Verse of the Day, Bible commentaries, audio
Bibles, and much more. |
BibleHub gives you immediate access to a huge library
which includes a searchable atlas, concordance, Bible encyclopedia, Bible commentaries, Dictionaries,
Devotionals Encyclopedia, Interlinear, Lexicon, Bible
Weights and Measures and much more.
King James Bible Online with Apocrypha gives you
access to the Standard King James Version, Standard King
James Bible Apocrypha, 1611 King James Bible,1611 King
James Bible Apocrypha, Bible Trivia, Bible Comments and
Commentaries, King James Bible History and more... |
The Kings Bible
gives you access to a huge library which includes a
Bible atlas, concordance, dictionary, King James
Bible1611, King James Bible Dictionary, Websters
Dictionary 1828, Textus Receptus Bibles and a treasury
of Scripture knowledge. |
Septuagint - Elpenor's Bilingual (Greek / English)
Old Testament
The Septuagint is
the Old Testament as used by the Apostles and all the
Ancient Church
Greek original according to the text
used by the Church of Greece
English translation by L.C.L. Brenton, published side by
side |
Blue Letter Bible has free search tools, including
Phrase Search. You can view the Map/Images Library with
lots of maps and beautiful engravings. The Study Tools
section is filled with charts and study guides to assist
the student of Scripture; helping to put biblical events
into better perspective. The Blue Letter bible website
also includes Daily Devotionals, several thousand audio
messages, over 2,700
Hymns, indexed to the appropriate Bible,
and much more. |
Hebrew - English Bible/ Mechon-Mambre
The whole Hebrew Bible in parallel verse
by verse with the English Translation of Jewish
Publication Society edition of 1917 |
 | is the largest free online Bible
website for verse search and in-depth studies.
Search Bible verses using the translation and version
you prefer with over 39 to choose from. The online
library includes commentaries, concordances like
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and Naves Topical
Concordance, Bible dictionaries, Biblical encyclopedias
and historical Christian and church books including
Fox's Book of Martyrs. For a more in-depth study of
Scripture, Bible Study Tools offers Greek and Hebrew
Interlinear for the New and Old Testament, and lexicons
for original Greek and Hebrew reading of Scripture.
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha and Sacred Writings
Link to R. H. Charles Version of 1 Enoch
(Books must be
This truly is a one-of-a-kind
concordance - The New Strong's
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
Not only can you find any Scripture
passage in the KJV, you'll find every
Hebrew or Greek word behind the English
words. It's computer generated which
gives you greater accuracy and the
Strong numbering system links you
directly to the original Greek and
Hebrew words. This is a resource for
serious Bible study and is essential for
your library.

A Nelson exclusive. Study the meaning of
biblical words in the original
languages-without spending years
learning Greek or Hebrew. This classic
reference tool has helped thousands dig
deeper into the meaning of the biblical
text. Explains over 6,000 key biblical
words. Includes a brand new
comprehensive topical index that enables
you to study biblical topics more
thoroughly than ever before.
Only one concordance includes the best
of Vine's Complete Expository
Dictionary of Old and New Testament
Words: The New Strong's Expanded
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
The Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now
have three times more word study
information than any other edition. Plus
additional cross-references from leading
dictionaries make this the ultimate
reference tool for pastors, teachers,
and all students of the Bible.
Features Include:
The only Strong's that includes Vine's Complete Dictionary of
Old and New Testament Words
Words of Christ in red
Complete topical index of the Bible
Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now have three times more word study
information than any other edition
Additional cross-references and word study helps from leading
Clear. Simple. Easy to read. Now in full color for its
twenty-fifth edition, this world-renowned Bible handbook
is treasured by generations of Bible readers for its
clarity, insight, and usefulness. Halley's Bible
Handbook makes the Bible's wisdom and message
accessible. You will develop an appreciation for the
cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which
the story of the Bible unfolds. You will see how its
different themes fit together in a remarkable way. And
you will see the heart of God and the person of Jesus
Christ revealed from Genesis to Revelation. Written for
both mind and heart, this expanded edition of Halley's
Bible Handbook retains Dr. Halley's highly personal
style. It features brilliant maps, photographs, and
illustrations; contemporary four-color design; Bible
references in the easy-to-read, bestselling New
International Version; practical Bible reading programs;
helpful tips for Bible study; fascinating archaeological
information; easy-to-understand sections on how we got
the Bible and on church history; and improved indexes.