My name is S.A. Bishop. I am a disciple of
Yahoshua (Yeshua) the Messiah, known by most
Jesus Christ, who is the Son of YAH (God), the
Word of
YAH (God), the Lamb of
YAH (God)
and our soon coming King.
In addition,
the majority of us do not know for certain
the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob. And those that do are bent on keeping
it a secret from the rest of us. As a
result, there are many renderings of His
name such as Yahweh, Yahuah,
Yehowah, Yehovah, and
Jehovah, to name a few. And since ‘God’
is a common word that is often given to any
being or object that is worshipped; I now
prefer to use the shortened poetic form of
God’s name in these studies, which is YAH. On this
name, most of us can agree.
This shortened form appears in the Hebrew
Bible over 40 times. The name YAH is
also found in the construct word “hallelu-YAH,”
or hallelu-jah in English. Hallelujah in
English means Praise YAH.
represent no church, denomination or
religious organization. This website and the
views expressed on it are mine. The purpose
of this website is to provide a
straightforward approach to the Word of
YAH (God),
and the meaning of this Word of truth for
your life.
According to Strong’s Concordance one of
the words used to translate the Greek
word "Syniēmi” into the English of the
King James Version was the word
“understand.” Strong’s goes on to
define this word into English as “to put
together” or “to comprehend.” In his
Lexical Aids to the New Testament,
Spiros Zodhiates goes on to say, “when
the word is confined to the sphere of
mental perception it means to hear,
notice, perceive, recognize, understand,
put it all together and make sense out
of it. Thus, it strictly denotes the
collecting together of the single
features of an object into a whole, as
collecting the pieces of the puzzle and
putting them together.” In like manner,
teachings from the Holy Spirit in the
study of YAH’s Word will lead to
said, “The kingdom of heaven is
like treasure hidden in a field, which a
man found and hid; and for joy over it
he goes and sells all that he has and
buys that field.” When men look for gold
they dig for their earthly treasure.
Well, the Word of
is more precious
then fine gold, so if you’re willing to
put forth the effort, you will obtain a
heavenly treasure. It’s all up to you.
Many years ago I read that long before
Israel entered the promise land or
considered having a king to reign over
them, the Lord dictated to Moses a
command that the future king would be
required to perform.
Deuteronomy 17
“When you come to the land which the
LORD your God is giving you, and possess
it and dwell in it, and say, ‘I will set
a king over me like all the nations that
are around me,’ 15 you
shall surely set a king over you whom
the LORD your God chooses; one
from among your brethren you shall set
as king over you; you may not set a
foreigner over you, who is not
your brother. 16 But he shall
not multiply horses for himself, nor
cause the people to return to Egypt to
multiply horses, for the LORD has said
to you, ‘You shall not return that way
again.’ 17 Neither shall he
multiply wives for himself, lest his
heart turn away; nor shall he greatly
multiply silver and gold for himself.
18 “Also it shall be, when he
sits on the throne of his kingdom, that
he shall write for himself a copy of
this law in a book, from the one
before the priests, the Levites. 19
And it shall be with him, and he shall
read it all the days of his life, that
he may learn to fear the LORD his God
and be careful to observe all the words
of this law and these statutes, 20
that his heart may not be lifted above
his brethren, that he may not turn aside
from the commandment to the right
hand or to the left, and that he
may prolong his days in his
kingdom, he and his children in the
midst of Israel.”
Since it says in Revelation 1:5-6 that
has made those that are His
kings and priests; I took the above
passage to heart and started writing out
each verse as I studied. To my joy, I
discovered this process drew me deeper
into the Word of
and truly blessed
my soul. Now the Word of
to me on a higher level as I meditate on
each word. As a result, by the grace of
YAH, I gain knowledge and I am able to
retain much more.
The Disciples Project Bible Studies
represent just a few of my personal
studies throughout the years.
There are four basic elements to these
I pray, in
’ name, and ask for guidance on how I
should proceed in the study and for
revelations along the way. I am always
Scripture References
Broader range of verses are provided to ensure key verses
are not taken out of context.
These are revelations and things I wanted to recall.
Word Definitions
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is an excellent tool for
those of us who are not ancient Greek
and Hebrew scholars.
And on occasion additional Bible aids are
also included.
These studies are by no means
exhaustive, but I hope they will help
motivate you to seek the living God;
especially if you are not already doing
so. Please don’t be held by the limits
of these studies. Take the initiative
and go beyond. Trust me, you will be
rewarded for your efforts.
Before reading these studies or before
beginning your own personal study each
day, I would suggest that you take the
time to pray and ask the Lord to show
you wonderful things in His Word. To
guide you along your way. Remember, it’s
not by might nor by power but by His
Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Without the Holy
Spirit leading and guiding you, the
words will remain on the page. But if
you rely on the Holy Spirit, your
Teacher, for guidance, the living Word
will instruct you and draw you closer to
(John 14:26).
The Word of
says, “Freely you have
received, freely give” (Mathew 10:8).
Therefore, these studies and everything
else presented on the Disciples Project
website are free to you. I hope you will
benefit from them.
S. A. Bishop