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Bible Studies by Other Authors

Disciples Project hopes these studies by other authors will be a blessing to you. However, approval of these studies should not be regarded as a blanket endorsement to all an author has written, believes, teaches and/or supports.


All views (beliefs, opinions) stated in the following articles, including those pertaining to Paul and his teachings, are not necessarily those held by Disciples Project.

The following studies  are linked to the Author’s website.



Divorce and Remarriage, by Richard Anthony


THE NAME OF GOD YeHoWaH. ITS STORY, by Gérard Gertoux


Saturday or Sunday - Which is the Sabbath by David C. Pack

I consider the first six chapters of the above book a valuable source of information on the topic of Sabbath (Saturday) verses Sunday observance.  However, at least one claim made by the author in latter chapters is questionable to me.  Therefore, the remaining chapters cannot be wholly endorsed by this website. However, if you wish to read this eBook in it's entirety click here.



Jesus' Words Only, by Douglas J. Del Tondo, Esq. 

"Is Paul the Apostle who he really claims to be? Or is he a false prophet whose writings should be excluded from the New Testament? Attorney Douglas J. Del Tondo deftly argues his case...A practicing attorney, Del Tondo's obvious skill for in-depth research and proficient prosecution is evident, as he lays down argument after argument to support his verdict."


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